Wiki Kids Limited التطبيقات

Reflection 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Discuss and explore the phenomenon of reflection of light based onvarious observations in daily life.Understand the concept of refractive Index by observing simpleexperiments related to daily life scenarios.Investigate and distinguish between reflection and refraction oflight using simple observations of daily life.Examine the laws of refraction and incorporate them to understandthe dual nature of light.Examine the image formation in plane mirrors for differentcases.Explore the types of reflections formed in convex and concavemirrors: expand its use in various applications like telescopes,side mirrors of vehicles.Analyze the importance of diffused reflection.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of the WavesAnd Optics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsReflectionLaws of reflectionImage formation in plane mirrorsConcave and convex mirrors
Electric Circuits 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn: Understand the working of anelectrical circuit with importance to various types of sources ofemf and their working. Distinguish between primary and secondaryvoltage sources and discuss the importance of internal resistance.Discuss and explore about the concept of voltage and currents andanalyze different types of moving coil galvanometers. Exploredifferent types of electrical circuits with series and parallelcombination of resistances. Understand how electrical energy flowsin a circuit based on the analogy of water flowing in a closedpipe. Differentiate between alternating and direct currents andexplore AC to DC converters. Determine energy and power in anyelectrical circuit, where the energy is either delivered orextracted. Observe that electricity is present in the human bodyand its importance of how the information through nerve cells istransmitted to the brain. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a partof the Electricity and Magnetism topic and this topic containsfollowing sub topics Electric Circuits Voltage source or EMF Leadacid cell Internal resistance Current law of an electric circuitFlow and speed of electrons in a circuit Rectification Heatingeffect of current in electric circuits Electric power
Simple Machines 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Discuss different types and the uses of simple machines in dailylife.Understand and employ the facts about the working of simplemachines in day-to-day life.Identify different types of simple machines based on theirusage.Explore different types of pulleys and investigate their importancein daily life science scenarios.Explore the forces that act on the body when it is lifted by apulley and apply them to solve daily life science scenarios.Operate these pulleys, in various contexts to do a particular jobsmoothly.Distinguish and investigate about the different types of energy andtheir relevance in real world applications.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Physics subject as a part of the Mechanicstopicand this topic contains following sub topicsSimple MechanicsPulleyInclined plane and screw
Sound Phenomena 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Understand and explore the phenomenon of beats and its relevance toeveryday science scenarios.Discover and illustrate the concept of diffraction of sound wavesand its applications in daily life situations.Examine and probe the concept of interference of sound waves byextending it to explore the principle of superposition and itsrelevant applications in real life.Explain the phenomenon of Doppler effect and illustrate itsimportance by applying it to understand the working of ultrasounddetection techniques in medical diagnosis etc.Investigate about the Doppler effect and probe for different shiftsthat are caused in the spectrum due to the motion of source andobserver.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of the WavesAnd Optics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsSound PhenomenonDiffraction of sound wavesInterference of sound wavesDoppler effect
Components of Matter 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define the element, compound and mixture which are the chiefcomponents of matter.Differentiate element, compound and mixture.Distinguish the homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.Compare the properties of mixture and suspension.Separate the mixtures by different methods such as filtration,distillation etc.Classify the given matter into different substances such as pureelement or compound.Predict whether the given mixture is homogeneous mixture orheterogeneous mixture.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theStructure Of Matter topicand this topic contains following sub topicsComponents of MatterCompoundsMixturesSeparation of mixtures
Crop and Medicinal Plants 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define and discuss the terms″agriculture and crops″ and explore how different agriculturalpractices help the crops to yield quality products. Describe therole of manures and fertilizers for healthy plant growth andregulation. Define the term ″harvesting″ and discuss the processinvolved in crop rotation and multiple cropping. Examine howhigh‐yielding crop varieties are developed by scientists changingthe genetics of plants for the benefit of humankind. Deduce the aimof plant breeding and list different types of breeding methodsinvolved in it. Identify some of the medicinal plants andinvestigate their medicinal values. Explore how advances in plantbiotechnology help mankind and list some of genetically modifiedproducts currently in use. Define ″GMO testing″ and understand therisks and controversies surrounding the use of GMOs. More detailsplease visit ""hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underBiology subject as a part of the PlantForm and Function topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Crop and medicinal plantsPreparation of soil and seeds Fertilizers Crop rotation andharvesting Plant Breeding Medicinal plants
Molecules Of Life 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Predict and analyze how small organicmolecules are joined inside cells, forming larger molecules calledmacromolecules. Discover how carbohydrates serve as fuel andbuilding material for molecules. Define and distinguish thestructures and functions of fats, phospholipids, and steroids.Discriminate the structural concepts of saturated and unsaturatedfatty acids and how they affect our health. Explore the structureand functions of proteins in cells and summarize the concept of howa polypeptide is constructed from amino acids. Analyze the factorsthat affect protein structure and functions and evaluate howenzymes act as biological catalysts. Deduce how nucleic acids storeand transmit hereditary information. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe BioChemistry topic and this topic contains following sub topicsMolecules of life Polymers Carbohydrates Polysaccharides LipidsProteins Enzymes Nucleic acids
Plant Nutrition 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define and discuss ″plant nutrition″and explore how plants uptake nutrients. Identify different modesof plant nutrition. Differentiate between micronutrients andmacronutrients in terms of amounts required by plants andappreciate their physiological importance. Identify the differenttypes of plant diseases caused due to essential elementdeficiencies. Explore how plants make most of their nutrients bythemselves. Identify different nutritional modes of adaptationsseen in plants. Describe the symbiosis between rhizobium bacteriaand legume plants and systematize the steps involved in root noduleformation. Analyze how a legume species recognizes a certain strainof Rhizobium among many bacterial strains in the soil. More detailsplease visit ""hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underBiology subject as a part of the PlantForm and Function topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Plant nutrition Modes ofNutrition Mineral Content Essential elements PhotosynthesisNutritional Adaptations Molecular Biology of Root Nodule Formation
Sound of music 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Distinguish between noise and sound as applied to musicalinstruments of the real world.Differentiate between the sounds of the musical Instruments basedon the quality of the sound produced by them.Discuss and explore the frequencies related to the musicalnotes.Discover how musical instruments produce sounds by examining theworking of different musical instruments.Discuss and explore the working of a human ear and its importancein detecting various sounds.Inspect the audible range of different organisms using thefrequency of a sound wave.Explore about ultrasound waves and its application.Analyze and investigate Fourier analysis of different waves ofdifferent frequencies and their applications.Examine the working of a compact disc and its applications instoring the digital data.Discover and expand the concept of acoustics to real lifesituationsMore details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of the WavesAnd Optics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsSound Of MusicMusical scale and instrumentsVibration is key to soundFourier analysis of sound waves
Transport In Plants 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Investigate how roots absorb waterand minerals from the soil and systematize the pathway of lateraltransport of minerals and water through roots. Understand thefundamental differences between diffusion and osmosis in plants.Define and discuss the terms–Turgidity, Plasmolysis, Flaccidity inplants. Define the term “ascent of sap” and analyze the role ofdifferent forces that contribute to the upward movement of sap.Understand the mechanism of transpiration in plants and list thefactors affecting transpiration. Examine how cohesion and adhesionfacilitate long-distance transport in plants. Define the term“translocation and discover how food made by leaves transported todifferent parts of the plant. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe Plant Form and Function topic and this topic contains followingsub topics Transport in plants Absorption through roots Inward andOutward Osmosis Active transport Ascent of Sap TranspirationCohesion and Adhesion Transport of Minerals, Food
Direct Current Circuits 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Understand the direction of flow of electrons in a circuit andexplore the advantages and disadvantages of series circuits incomparison with parallel circuits.Determine the voltage and current of any given circuit at any pointbased on the Kirchhoff's laws.Distinguish between meter bridge and Wheatstone bridge based ontheir properties and determine the value of unknownresistance.Discuss and understand the working of a potentiometer andcombinations of capacitors along with its advantages andapplications in electrical circuits.Discover the working of RC circuits and its relevance inbio-medical applications.Understand the importance of grounding of electrical circuits andexplore how fuses protect the expensive electronic devices of thehousehold.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theElectricity and Magnetism topicand this topic contains following sub topicsDirect Current CircuitsCharacteristics of parallel circuitKirchoff's rulesWheatstone bridgePotentiometer or variable resistorCapacitorsTransients in electric circuitsDomestic wiring
Linear Momentum 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define, discuss, correlate and identify the center of mass of anygiven objectUnderstand and identify the center of mass of a two-bodysystem.Analyze and detect the center of mass of rigid bodies.Investigate and determine the motion of center of mass.Define linear momentum and illustrate the conservation of linearmomentum related to center of mass.Distinguish and differentiate about the center of mass and centerof gravity.Evaluate the location of center of gravity.Define, discuss and relate, equilibrium with general conditions andits different types.Understand, analyze and apply, linear momentum to real worldapplications.Define, understand, investigate and apply, impulse to daily lifeactivities.Understand the conservation of momentum and apply it to real worldsituations.Understand the concept of collisions and its types. Also extend itto two dimensions to evaluate real world situations.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths& Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Physics subject as a part of the Mechanicstopicand this topic contains following sub topicsLinear MomentumImpulseConservation of momentumCollisionsCenter of massMotion of Center of massCenter of mass and stability
Heat Engines 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Discuss the expansion and compression of both adiabatic andisothermal cases.Discuss, explore and distinguish the working of a Carnot heatengine from that of a normal heat engine.Explore, identify and compare different types of combustion heatengines based on their working and finally relate them to theeveryday science.Discuss, explore and inspect the working of a thermal powerplant.Explore and inspect the working of the heat pump by investigatingits relevance to everyday science.Explore and investigate the working of an air conditioner.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theThermal Physics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsHeat EnginesExternal combustion engineHeat pumpAir conditionerHeat pump
Life Processes 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Describe the common features thatdetermine why invertebrates, such as sponges, cnidarians, andflatworms, do not require a circulatory system. Define anddistinguish the terms invertebrate and vertebrate circulation.Compare and contrast the different modes of respiration indifferent animals. Define partial pressure and appreciate the roleof partial pressure gradients in respiratory mechanism. Define anddistinguish the terms intracellular and extracellular digestion andidentify the mode of digestion seen in different animals. Describethe structure and function of photoreceptors in differentinvertebrates. Determine how statocysts are adaptive for animalsthat burrow underground or live deep in the ocean. Compare blood,hemolymph and hemocyanin. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe Animal Form and Function topic and this topic containsfollowing sub topics Life Processes Respiration Digestion Visionand Sense Immune Mechanism Endocrine and Nervous system
Nutrition 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define the term ″nutrition″ and listsome of the common health problems that can be alleviated with goodnutrition. List the seven major classes of nutrients and analyzehow they are useful for healthy growth and metabolism. Define theterms minerals, vitamins and list different types of mineralsessential for living organisms. Compare and contrast vitamins withminerals. Describe the relation between a person′s diet and thelikely development of obesity and cardiovascular disease. Examinesome of the nutritional symbiotic adaptations of animals. Moredetails please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the Animal Form andFunction topic and this topic contains following sub topicsNutrition Minerals Vitamins Antioxidants Nutrition in Animals
Properties of Matter 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Discuss the need of measurements in everyday life.Categorize the units used for scientific measurements into EnglishSystem and Metric system.Distinguish fundamental unit and derived unit.Derive units for different physical quantities from fundamentalunits.Define the standard units of fundamental properties of matter suchas mass, length etc.Give the mathematical and physical relationship between differentphysical quantities.Calculate the magnitude of one physical quantity from the magnitudeof other given quantities.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theStructure Of Matter topicand this topic contains following sub topicsProperties Of MatterSI unitsFundamental definitionsDensityTemperatureMoleTemperature
Periodic Properties 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define the periodic properties such as atomic radius, ionizationenergy, electron affinity and electronegativity.Distinguish van der Waals, covalent and atomic radii.Explain the reason for the high magnitudes of ionization energy andelectron affinity in some elements.Recognize the periodic trends in properties of elements.Explain the reasons for trends in the reactivity and behavior ofelements in the periodic table.Compare the properties of isoelectronic species.Explain the relationship between ionization enthalpy and metalliccharacter.Understand the effect of electronegativity on chemical reactivityof elements.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theStructure Of Matter topicand this topic contains following sub topicsPeriodic PropertiesAtomic radiusAtomic radius trends among main-group elementsIonic radiiIonization energiesElectron affinitiesElectronegativityElectron affinities
Electric Potential 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Explore and validate the concept of electric potential based onvarious daily life scenarios.Discuss and differentiate between electric potential energy andgravitational potential energy.Explore electrical potential of a point charge and developelectrical potential difference between two point charges and alsofor a group of point charges.Understand the working of an electrical circuit with importanceto various types of sources of emf and their working.Distinguish between primary and secondary voltage sources anddiscuss the importance of internal resistance.Discuss and explore about the concept of voltage and currents andanalyze different types of moving coil galvanometers.Explore different types of electrical circuits with series andparallel combination of resistances.Understand how electrical energy flows in a circuit based on theanalogy of water flowing in a closed pipe.Differentiate between alternating and direct currents and exploreAC to DC converters.Determine energy and power in any electrical circuit, where theenergy is either delivered or extracted.Observe that electricity is present in the human body and itsimportance of how the information through nerve cells istransmitted to the brain.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theElectricity and Magnetism topicand this topic contains following sub topicsElectric PotentialElectric potential differenceEquipotential surfacesBiomedical applications of potential difference
Halogens 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : List the elements present in group17(VIIA) or halogen family in periodic table. Write the electronicconfigurations of group 17(VIIA) elements. Discuss the details ofoccurrence and abundance of halogens. Give the preparation methodsof halogens. Discuss the physical and chemical properties ofhalogens. Examine the anomalous behavior of fluorine and give thereasons for its peculiarity. Compare the nature of fluorine andoxygen. Describe the general properties of compounds of halogens.Identify the structures of oxyacids of chlorine and bromine. Givethe important uses of halogens. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a partof the Metals and NonMetals topic and this topic contains followingsub topics Halogens Chemical Properties of Halogens Compounds ofHalogens Uses of Halogens
Capacitors and Dielectrics 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn: Understand and differentiateconductors and insulators. Explore how charge is stored in anobject. Discuss, examine and explore as to why some elements,alloys or compounds conduct electricity more easily than other.Explore the concept of capacitance of a capacitor and reflect onthe types of capacitors. Develop a theory to determine the energystored in a capacitor and its applications in developing a computerchip. Explore the working principle of the Van der Graaffgenerator, and its applications in producing large amount of staticcharge. Understand the concept of dielectrics and its importance inusing them to increase or decrease the capacitance. More detailsplease visit ""hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underChemistry subject as a part of the Electricity and Magnetism topicand this topic contains following sub topics Capacitors andDielectrics Capacitors Parallel plate capacitor Energy stored in acapacitor Van de Graaff generator Dielectric types
Units and Conversions 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Use a scientific notation, powers of ten, while writing numbersof very large and very small sizes compactly and memorize the SIprefixes of powers of ten.Scale the derived units by applying decimal multiplying factors andconvert the magnitudes of units into different systems of units byusing conversion factors.Classify the errors that occur during experiments, avoid andrectify the errors while doing an experiment.Cross check whether you are accurate or precise by using yourexperimental data.Measure the uncertainity in the experimental value.Round off the calculated value by using significant figures.Recognize the significance of physical constants such as Planck'sconstant (h), Boltzmann constant (k) etc.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theStructure Of Matter topicand this topic contains following sub topicsUnits and ConversionsConversion of unitsEvaluation of experimental dataAccuracy and precisioFundamental physical constantsAccuracy and precision
Boron Family 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Give an account for variation in properties of p–blockelements.List the elements in group 13 or group IIIA in periodic table andwrite their electronic configurations.Explain the general trends in periodic properties of group 13elements.Discuss in detail about chemical and physical properties ofelements of boron family.Compare and examine the properties of boron with other elements inthe group.Give the reasons for anomalous behavior of boron and its similaritywith silicon.Discuss in detail about boron, aluminium and their compounds.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theMetals and NonMetals topicand this topic contains following sub topicsBoron FamilyGeneral propertiesChemical propertiesExtraction of BoronAluminum
Inner Transition Metals 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :List the f‐block elements, classify them into lanthanides andactinides.Write their electronic configurations of lanthanides andactinides.Describe the extraction methods of lanthanides and actinides.Give various separation methods of lanthanides.Discuss the general physical and chemical properties of innertransition elements.Compare the properties of transition and inner transitionelements.Examine the difference in behavior of lanthanides andactinides.Give the uses and applications of f–block elements and theircompounds.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theMetals and NonMetals topicand this topic contains following sub topicsInner Transition MetalsIsotopes of LanthanidesCharacteristics of LanthanidesChemical Properties of LanthanidesActinidesComparision of Lanthanides and Actinides
Growth and Development 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define the term “meristem” and analyze how meristems help toincrease the length and girth of the plant.Identify the tissue systems of plants and explain their respectivefunctions.Describe and discuss the role of xylem and phloem in vascularplants.Contrast the types of growth arising from apical and lateralmeristems.Explore how does the vascular tissue system enable leaves and rootsto combine functions to support growth and development of the wholeplant.Describe and examine the tissue organization of stems and leavesthat enable them to perform their functions.Define “secondary growth” and analyze the functions of of vascularcambium in secondary growth.Explore the role of cell division, cell differentiation andmorphogenesis in plant growth and development.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Biology subject as a part of thePlantForm and Function topicand this topic contains following sub topicsGrowth and developmentPlant DevelopmentPrimary Growth of RootsTissue Organization of LeavesSecondary GrowthMorphogenesis
Oxygen Family 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : List elements in oxygen family. Writethe electronic configuration of group 16 elements. Give the detailsof occurrence and abundance of elements of group 16. Discuss theindividual properties of group 16(VIA) elements. Examine theallotropism shown by elements of group 16. Describe the physicaland chemical properties of compounds of group 16 elements. Examinethe irregular trends in properties of compounds of group 16elements. Discuss in detail about properties of oxygen and sulfur.List the series of oxyacids of sulfur and write their structures.Give the preparation, properties and uses of sulfuric acid. Moredetails please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Chemistry subject as a part of the Metals andNonMetals topic and this topic contains following sub topics OxygenFamily Properties of oxygen family Oxygen Sulfur(s)
Perception of Colour 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Expand the concept of absorption and dispersion of light basedon daily life scenarios.Differentiate between transparent and opaque objects based on theproperties of light; also explore them based on the relevant dailylife experiments.Explore about selective reflection and transmission of light by theobjects using everyday aspects of science.Examine and explore the components of white light and illustratethe primary and secondary colors of light by incorporating them ingetting other beautiful colors.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking andproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of the WavesAnd Optics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsPerceptio of ColorsTransparent and translucent materialsNewton's disc
Wonder Whizkids 1.01
Wiki Kids Limited
Give Yourself an Early AdvantageAccess the content that cultivates curiosity, connects conceptstoeveryday life and measures love of learning.Discover the core concepts and know how they connect to theworld around.Engage with equations and figure out interesting ways to solvethem. Excelin International Baccalaureate (IB) as well as Advanced Placement(AP)courses with real world applications, well illustratedexamples,animations and multiple opportunities to test oneself.
Common Health Problems 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Identify the basic difference betweena disease and a disorder. Analyze common health disorders andprovide examples of how different diagnostic tools effectively helpto reduce these health problems. Define anemia and illustrate thecauses, types , symptoms and treatment options for this disorder.Understand the mechanism of treating anemia with recombinanterythropoietin. Discuss some of the risk factors associated withhypertension and list some of the drugs that reduce blood pressure.Explore how cholesterol levels in the blood drastically effects thehealth of an individual and illustrate some of the risk factors.Define “Hypothermia”and discuss some of the rewarming programmesdepending upon the patient′s condition. Define the term “BMI” anddiscuss some of the risk factors, metabolic disorders and treatmentoptions for obesity. Define “diabetes” and distinguish between typeI and type II diabetes. Identify the causes of inflammation inSystemic lupus erythematosus and explore the recent researchassociated with it. List different types of blood tests availablefor monitoring blood–glucose levels in diabetic patients. Moredetails please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the Human Physiologytopic and this topic contains following sub topics Common HealthProblems Hypertension Cholesterol Hypothermia Obesity
Basic Principles 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Understand the basic principles of animals likemetabolism,bioenergetics and homeostasis.Analyze how an organism is characterized by having differentlevelsof organization built around the cell.List and describe the four major types of tissues foundinanimals.Examine how specialization of cells in tissues enhancestissuefunction.Define and distinguish cells, tissues, organs andorgansystems.List and analyze the major life processes carried out by eachorgansystem in vertebrate animals.Identify why a disease that damages connective tissue is likelytothreaten most of the body’s organs.Recognize how muscle and nervous tissue are interdependent.Define homeostasis, and explain why it is an essential featureofall living organisms.Define, thermoregulation and analyze how animals maintainaninternal temperature within a tolerable range.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Biology subject as a part of theAnimalForm and Function topicand this topic contains following sub topicsBasic PrinciplesTissues and OrgansHomeostasis and ThermoregulationEnergy Sources and AllocationMetabolism
Wiki Kids Limited
Wonderwhizkids(,promoted by Wiki Kids Limited, isone of the leading e-Learning portals for Class VIII to ClassXIIMath &Science Concepts. It is particularly designed for studentspreparingforvarious state-/national-level Medical / Engineering entrance exams."Free Neet - WWK" is Wiki Kids' Free Mobile App for NEET2Aspirants. TheApp provides insightful score card on performance enablingstudentstoself-assess and prepare accordingly.Prepared by experienced professors & subject matterexperts,the questionson this platform are of high quality and would help studentsachievethedesired results.Key Features:- Model tests with over 200,000+ model questions- Insightful score card with key indicatorsDownload "Free Neet - WWK" today for FREE; Take tests forfree,check yourscore and prepare accordingly.You can access the concepts and test yourconceptualunderstanding throughpractice papers by registering at
Free Science IQ Test 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
We're back with another app - "Free Science IQ Test" - to enhanceyour critical thinking abilities and help students to excel inscience. Featuring hands-on and minds-on activities, the newlylaunched app is a game that enables students to think beyond meredescription and help them learn basic science concepts. The app isparticularly designed to test students' insight on science anddevelop their passion for it. Each test (game) consists of 20intellectual questions and you can try as many times as possible.You can play and check your score at the end of each game. IQ of aperson is not fixed by birth, but it could be increased by playingmany brain teasing games. Students would be able to improve theirScience IQ by playing our "Free Science IQ Test". Wonderwhizkids(, promoted by Wiki Kids Limited, is one ofthe leading e-Learning portals for Class VIII to Class XII Math& Science Concepts. It is particularly designed for studentspreparing for various state-/national-level Medical / Engineeringentrance exams. You can access the concepts and test yourconceptual understanding through practice papers by registering
Free JEE - WWK 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
Wonderwhizkids(,promoted by Wiki Kids Limited, isone of the leading e-Learning portals for Class VIII to ClassXIIMath &Science Concepts. It is particularly designed for studentspreparingforvarious state-/national-level Medical / Engineering entrance exams."Free JEE - WWK" is Wiki Kids' Free Mobile App for JEEAspirants.TheApp provides insightful score card on performance enablingstudentstoself-assess and prepare accordingly.Prepared by experienced professors & subject matterexperts,the questionson this platform are of high quality and would help studentsachievethedesired results.Key Features:- Model tests with over 200,000+ model questions- Insightful score card with key indicatorsDownload "Free JEE - WWK" today for FREE; Take tests forfree,check yourscore and prepare accordingly.You can access the concepts and test yourconceptualunderstanding throughpractice papers by registering at
Eamcet Engineering 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
Wonderwhizkids(,promoted by Wiki Kids Limited, isone of the leading e-Learning portals for Class VIII to ClassXIIMath &Science Concepts. It is particularly designed for studentspreparingforvarious state-/national-level Medical / Engineering entrance exams."Eamcet Engineering" is Wiki Kids' Free Mobile App forEamcetAspirants. TheApp provides insightful score card on performance enablingstudentstoself-assess and prepare accordingly.Prepared by experienced professors & subject matterexperts,the questionson this platform are of high quality and would help studentsachievethedesired results.Key Features:- Model tests with over 200,000+ model questions- Insightful score card with key indicatorsDownload "Eamcet Engineering" today for FREE; Take testsforfree, check yourscore and prepare accordingly.You can access the concepts and test yourconceptualunderstanding throughpractice papers by registering at
Eamcet Medical 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
Wonderwhizkids(,promoted by Wiki Kids Limited, isone of the leading e-Learning portals for Class VIII to ClassXIIMath &Science Concepts. It is particularly designed for studentspreparingforvarious state-/national-level Medical / Engineering entrance exams."Eamcet Medical" is Wiki Kids' Free Mobile App forEamcetAspirants. TheApp provides insightful score card on performance enablingstudentstoself-assess and prepare accordingly.Prepared by experienced professors & subject matterexperts,the questionson this platform are of high quality and would help studentsachievethedesired results.Key Features:- Model tests with over 200,000+ model questions- Insightful score card with key indicatorsDownload "Eamcet Medical" today for FREE; Take tests forfree,check yourscore and prepare accordingly.You can access the concepts and test yourconceptualunderstanding throughpractice papers by registering at
Heat and Temperature 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Define, discuss and distinguish the terms heatandtemperature.Discuss, explore and examine different types of thermometersandtemperature scales used to measure the temperature.Illustrate Joule's experiment to prove that heat is a formofenergy.Define and explore the concept of specific heat and its relevancetoeveryday science.Calculate the amount of heat absorbed by a body and illustratethesignificance of molar specific heat to the realworldapplications.Analyze and illustrate the experiment of calorimeter and itstypes,to measure the amount of heat exchange.Discuss and investigate different types of sources of heatandexplore the changes that take place in an object due toheatproduced.Discuss and investigate the working of thermostat usedinrefrigerators.Explore the concept of combustion and investigateitsrequirements.Analyze the criteria for the combustion of a fuel.Explore the process behind the survival of the humans by theIntakeof food.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part oftheThermal Physics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsHeat and TemparatureHeatHeat capacity and Specific heat capacityCalorimetrySources of heatCombustion
Cell Communication 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Predict what happens if cells doesnot communicate with each other and appreciate the importance ofthis phenomenon. Discuss and illustrate how cell communication actsas a cellular internet in our body. Define cell signaling andunderstand the molecular events of this phenomenon. Analyze howexternal signals are converted into responses within the cell. Listthe different types of cell signaling mechanisms. Define anddistinguish local and long distance cell signaling. Define andco–relate the terms paracrine, synaptic and endocrine signaling.Explore and illustrate the molecular details involved in the threestages of cell signaling. Define signal transduction pathway andunderstand the basic principles behind this phenomenon. Moredetails please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the CellBiology topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Role of cell signaling inevolution of life on Earth Cell Signaling Stages of cell signalingTransduction Pathways Response
Kingdom Fungi 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define and identify the structuralfeatures of fungi along with mycorrhizae. Recognize fungi as theclosest living relatives of animals. Classify the fungal phyla.Recognize how fungi have a powerful impact on ecosystems and humanwelfare. Identify useful and harmful effects of fungi. Recognizethe role of fungi in medicine. Appreciate the role of fungi in thefield of molecular biology. List some of the fungal species we seein everyday life. Identify the different species of yeast that helpin fermentation and in food processing. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". Biology,Evalutionary Biology, Kingdom Fungi,Structure, Nutrition and Fungal Lifestyles, Asexual reproduction inFungi, Classification of Fungi, Yeast, Basidiomycetes, Fungi Impacton Ecosystem, Useful Fungi, Methods of food preservation, Serum andAntibodies,
Basic Unit Of Life 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Appreciate the importance of cells toliving organisms. Describe why cells are considered as the basicunit of life. Apply the principles of microscope to study cellswhich are microscopic in origin. Define and distinguish lightmicroscope and electron microscope. List the principles of celltheory and different shapes of cells. Define and distinguishprokaryotes and eukaryotes with their molecular organization.Examine the evolutionary relatedness of Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes,and Archaeans. Summarize the fundamental components of aprokaryotic (bacterial) cell. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Biology subject as a part ofthe CellBiology topic and this topic contains following sub topicsBasicUnitOfLife Studying cells Cell theory Cell shapes Prokaryoticcells Eukaryotic cells
Optical Instruments 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn: Observe and explore opticalinstruments that are available in daily life. Investigate thecharacteristics of human eye and probe the reasons for the cause ofvision defects. Distinguish between simple and compound microscopebased on their characteristics of magnifying a given object.Explore how we can image a cosmic object using a telescope anddiscuss various types of telescopes. Explore the concept ofholography and its applications in everyday science based on itscharacteristics. Discover the working of binoculars, cameras,periscopes based on simple principles of refraction and reflection.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Chemistry subject as a part of the Waves And Opticstopic and this topic contains following sub topics OpticalInstruments Microscopes Telescope Binoculars Holography
Solutions 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define the terms solution, solute andsolvent. Differentiate solution, suspension and colloid. Classifythe colloids based on dispersion medium and phase. Understand thesolubility process and discuss the factors effecting solubility.Classify the solutions based on the amount of solute and explainthe effect of temperature and pressure on solubility. Distinguishbetween ideal and non–ideal solutions. Discuss colligativeproperties of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions. Describethe phase diagrams and identify the invariant points. More detailsplease visit ""hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching. Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problem solving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as areference material to be more creative in designing engaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participate intheir child's development through WWK". This topic covers underChemistry subject as a part of the States Of Matter topic and thistopic contains following sub topics Solutions Solubility and typesof solutions Concentration of solutions Enthalpy of solutionRaoult's Law Elevation of boiling points Phase Diagrams
Magnetic Forces 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn: Understand why a moving charge getsdeflected in a strong magnetic field and determine the forceexperienced by the charge moving in the magnetic field. Discuss theimportance of Fleming’s left hand rule in determining the directionof force on the conductor carrying current in a uniform magneticfield. Discuss and relate magnetic field and flux through a surfaceand investigate how to measure the flux through any given surfaceusing Gauss’ law. Investigate and explore the motion of a chargedparticle in a magnetic field, with relevance to practicalobservations like trajectory of electron beam in a helmholtz coil.Discover the working of a mass spectrometer and its application todetermine the mass of a charged particle. Discuss the hall effectand its application to determine the force on the charged particlein a uniform magnetic field. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a partof the Electricity and Magnetism topic and this topic containsfollowing sub topics Magnetic Forces Force experienced by charge ina magnetic field Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic fieldMass spectrometer Torque on a current carrying coil Direct currentmotor
Sound Waves 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Discuss and explore the nature of sound waves, existing inourdaily life.Explore about the intensity of sound waves and probe itsrelevanceto daily life.Expand the concept of reflection of sound waves andinvestigateabout the phenomenon of an echo with its relevantapplications insonar and radar.Examine the concept of refraction of sound waves, anditsapplication to find the depth of an ocean.Examine and explore the natural frequency and higher orderharmonicsof the object that produces the sound.Discover the vibrations of air column in musical instruments anditsrelated modes in open and closed tubes.Understand the concept of resonance and its applications indailylife scenarios.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theWavesAnd Optics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsSound WavesSpeed of sound wavesIntensity of sound wavesBoundary behaviour of sound wavesNatural frequencyVibrations of air column
Magnetism 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn: Discuss and discover thecharacteristic properties of magnets and explore its applicationsin real life. Discover the laws of magnetism and determine themagnetic field around a magnet. Distinguish between electric fieldand magnetic field and their relevance in daily life. Investigatethe induced magnetic effects of magnets while making a magnet usingdifferent methods. Apply the theory of magnetism in making newmagnets from different materials having different magnetic domains.Demonstrate the existence of earth's magnetic field and itsimportance in finding the directions in any given place. Understandhow the satellites are launched in the space, based on thedirection of earth's magnetic field. More details please visit "" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designing engaging learning experiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child's developmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a partof the Electricity and Magnetism topic and this topic containsfollowing sub topics Magnetism Laws of magnetism Induced magneticeffects Theory of magnetism Earth's magnetic field Launch ofsatellites Magnetic substances
Fluid Mechanics 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Explore the properties of fluids(liquids and gases). Examine and explore about atmosphericpressure, pressure in liquids. Experiment and discuss about theeffect of gravity on liquids. Illustrate how to measure thepressure and relative density of a fluid using differentsophisticated instruments. Discuss and investigate about theprinciples of fluids and their relevant applications. Discuss andrelate Archimedes principle to everyday science. Define, exploreand relate surface tension, surface energy to various activities ofeveryday science. Examine and discuss the types of liquid flow andtheir corresponding flow rate. Discuss and relate Bernoulli'sprinciple and its applications to everyday science. DiscussReynold's number and Stoke's law with relevance to everydayscience. More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Physics subject as a part of the Mechanics topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Fluid Mechanics Thrust andPressure How to measure pressure Pascal's principle BuoyancyAdhesion and Cohesion Fluids in motion Bernoulli's principleViscosity in fluids
Transition Metals 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :List the d‐block elements and identify their position inperiodictable.Write the electronic configuration of d‐block elements and givethereasons for anomalous electronic configuration ofsomeelements.Define transition metals and recognize the difference intransitionmetals and d‐block elements.Discuss the general physical and chemical properties ofd‐blockelements.Appreciate the relative stability of oxidation states oftransitionmetals.Calculate the spin only magnetic moments oftransitionelements.Discuss in detail about preparation methods, properties and usesofpotassium dichromateDescribe the methods of extraction of iron and copper.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theMetalsand NonMetals topicand this topic contains following sub topicsTransition MetalsTransition Elements - General PropertiesOxidation StatesChemical PropertiesMetal Oxoanions SaltsPotassium PermanganateIron
Forces of Attraction 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define the phenomenon of Brownian motion and explain thereasonfor Brownian motion of suspended particles.Distinguish the intermolecular and intramolecular forces.Recall the properties of three intramolecular forces –ionic,covalent and metallic forces.Explain the reason for existence of matter in different statesbydescribing various intermolecular forces.Define van der Waals forces and give the details of origin ofvander Waals forces.Classify different types of dipole-dipole forces.Explain the origin of polarity in molecules and its effectonbehavior of the molecule.Define hydrogen bonding and discuss the consequences ofhydrogenbonding.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of theStatesOf Matter topicand this topic contains following sub topicsForces of attractionDipole forcesLondon dispersion forcesHydrogen bondingIntermolecular forcesHydrogen bonding
Work, Energy and Power 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Define, discuss, understand andcorrelate the terms work, power and energy. Differentiate betweenmechanical and non–mechanical energy. Understand different types ofmechanical energy, namely kinetic and potential energy. Convert oneform of mechanical energy to another. Deduce the importance of thework–energy theorem. Distinguish between conservative andnon-conservative forces and apply them to real world problems.Apply the power concept to the real world applications. Moredetails please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually rich content which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material to be more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parents also can activelyparticipate in their child's development through WWK". This topiccovers under Physics subject as a part of the Mechanics topic andthis topic contains following sub topics Work,Energy and PowerEnergy Conversion of PE and KE Work done due to internal forcesEnergy conversion principle Types of energy Sources of energy Power
Change of State 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn:Discuss and explore how substances behave when changedintovarious states and relate to everyday science.Investigate the process of evaporation, condensation,melting,freezing and relate their applications in dailylifescenarios.Explore about the concept of latent heat of a substanceanddistinguish from specific heat.Discuss, examine and investigate about the concept of regelationandits application in daily life.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part oftheThermal Physics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsChange Of StateEvaporationCondensationLatent heatRegelationCold burn
Halogen derivatives 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define and classify organohalogen compounds.Give the structural difference between aromatic andaliphatichalides.Describe the chemical reactivity of organohalogen compounds.Examine the factors affecting the reactivityoforganohalogens.Discuss the preparation, chemical and physical properties, usesofchloroform and chloral hydrate.Identify carbylamine reaction and distinguish organic aminesbasedon the result of this test.Give the method of iodoform test and appreciate the role ofidoformtest in analysis of carbonyl compounds.Define perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and give examples.Recognize the significance of PFCs novel in medicine.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part oftheOrganic Chemistry topicand this topic contains following sub topicsHalogen DerivativesPreparation of Chloroform
Oscillations 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define, understand and expand the concept of oscillationstoeveryday science.Extend the concept of oscillations to explore simpleharmonicmotion.Develop the equations of motion for simple harmonic motion andapplythem to real world situations.Explore the nature of simple pendulum, its types, propertiesandrelevance to everyday science.Damped harmonic oscillation and its characteristicproperties.Understand and employ the concept of elastic deformation toeveryday science.Define, explore, illustrate and apply the concepts of stress,strainand Hooke's law to various daily life examples.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content inMaths& Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Physics subject as a part of theMechanicstopicand this topic contains following sub topicsOscillationsCircular motion and the equation of SHMApplications of SHMSimple pendulumWhy does a pendulum oscillate?Damped Harmonic MotionElastic deformationStress and Strain